Cents & Sense Explanation

"Cents and sense" is a phrase that combines the words "cents" (meaning "pennies" or "money in small denominations") with "sense" (meaning "good judgment" or "common sense"). The phrase is often used to describe frugal or prudent behavior, especially in relation to spending money. It suggests that someone is making smart financial decisions by being mindful of their spending and making every cent count.

Making Sense of Cents income report

"Making Sense of Cents" is a personal finance blog run by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner. The blog's income reports detail Michelle's monthly income from various sources, such as advertising, sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and online courses. These reports are popular among personal finance bloggers and online business owners as they provide insight into how Michelle earns a full-time income from her blog. The reports also serve as a source of inspiration and information for people looking to start their own blog or online business. Michelle shares the specific strategies and tactics she uses to monetize her blog and grow her income over time.

Making sense of money

"Making sense of money" refers to the process of understanding how to manage one's finances effectively and make smart decisions about spending, saving, and investing. This can involve creating a budget, reducing debt, saving for emergencies, and investing for the future. It can also involve understanding various financial concepts, such as interest rates, inflation, and diversification. Making sense of money requires both knowledge and discipline, and it's important for individuals to take control of their finances and make informed decisions to secure their financial future. Seeking the advice of a financial advisor, reading personal finance books or blogs, and attending financial education courses are all ways to gain the knowledge needed to make sense of money.

Making sense of money book

There are many books available on the topic of "Making sense of money" that offer advice and guidance on personal finance. Some of the popular ones include:

  1. "The Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey: This book is a step-by-step guide to managing money, reducing debt, and building wealth. It covers topics such as budgeting, saving, investing, and reducing expenses.
  2. "The Simple Path to Wealth" by JL Collins: This book provides a straightforward approach to building wealth through investing in low-cost index funds. It also covers the importance of living below your means, saving for the future, and avoiding consumer debt.
  3. "Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez: This book offers a comprehensive program for transforming your relationship with money and achieving financial independence. It covers topics such as tracking your spending, creating a budget, reducing expenses, and investing for the future.
  4. "The Little Book of Common Sense Investing" by John C. Bogle: This book advocates for a low-cost, passive investment strategy based on index fund investing. It covers the benefits of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and the avoidance of market timing in investing.

These books can be a great resource for anyone looking to make sense of their finances and take control of their financial future.

The Ascent of Money

"The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World" is a book by economist and historian Niall Ferguson. It provides a comprehensive history of the development of finance, from ancient civilizations to the present day. The book covers topics such as the development of money, the rise of banks, the role of governments in finance, and the growth of the global financial system.

Ferguson argues that finance has played a crucial role in shaping the course of human history and that the story of money is, in many ways, the story of civilization itself. He examines key events and trends in financial history, such as the rise of the Medici banking dynasty in Renaissance Italy, the spread of paper money, and the creation of modern capital markets.

"The Ascent of Money" is a well-researched and engaging book that provides a unique perspective on the history and importance of finance. It is suitable for anyone interested in history, economics, or finance, and it offers insights into the complex and interconnected world of finance and its impact on society.


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